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Thursday, 19 May 2011

2+2 = 2+0

So it's been a couple of weeks since I posted anything. Turns out that my 2 little beans didn't make it. In fact, the nurse shouldn't have even told me about them since they were smaller than 10mm. : ( I tried to be confident the rest of the cycle that at some point at least one good sized one would appear. I had reason to hope since the lining of my uterus kept increasing. I was pretty disappointed when I started my period the morning of my next appointment. Here we are again with yet another failed cycle. John kept apologizing and telling me he is sorry which just breaks my heart even more because I feel like I'm letting him down..... again.

To completely swtich gears, I want to comment that I feel like God communicates with me through music. Getting in my car to drive to work that morning seemed nearly impossible but I pushed myself through it. Once I got in the car I hooked up my iPhone to my stero and selected it to play random songs. The song that started blaring through the speakers could be my theme song....

I am so in love with this song. I know it was written about a boy and a break up but to me it's all about my struggle with infertility. I sang it in my head all day at work, played it on repeat the whole way to and from work today and sang it in the shower. I feel like this song really gives me the boost I need to keep pushing forward. Yeah, this cycle failed.... I still have one more cycle before I leave to go home for a month and I want to start this new cycle with a more positive outlook. The last cycle didn't work so that must mean that the next one is going to be better. I start ovulation tracking again on the 27th. Be praying that this time we get some mature follicles. : )

Also before I go.... I really hope you enjoyed this song as much as I do. Here is one more fantastic motivational song that I love....
: )


  1. I'm sorry this cycle didn't work out for you but I love your positive attitude! I'm hoping everything works for you on the next go round. :)

  2. Those are great songs! Thanks for sharing them, I'll have to add them to my IPOD!
    I'm so sorry this cycle didn't work out for you...keep your chin up and keep faith that things will work out and you will get your little baby. Thinking of you!

  3. So sorry... I'm sending you a virtual hug...

  4. Sorry to hear about your cycle :( Nice song choices! I agree that sometimes you just need a boost and that *one* song comes on and you feel like you could be singing it yourself!

    The Zombies

    This is one of my favorites for a pick me up!
